The Emotion Code Session Prices
Please note: Prices increase from January 1st 2020. All sessions paid for in advance will be honoured at the current/original price.
The Emotion Code - one DISTANCE session
Please email me for further details. I would require the following information on booking a session: Full name & address, phone number, Email address, Date of birth/age, Any known medical issues, the issue(s) you would like to work on and your Skype id, if applicable. I now also have Zoom
All information given is strictly confidential. We will arrange a mutually agreeable time.
If you require an email session, I will email you the results after payment has been made and the session has been completed.
For further information about The Emotion Code, or to book a session, please see the Emotion Code section of the website. Janet is a fully certified Emotion Code Practitioner.
The Emotion Code - three DISTANCE sessions
This session is carried out online.
Please email me for further details. I would require the following information on booking a session:
Full name, Phone number
Email address
Date of birth/age
Skype id. I now also have Zoom.
The issue(s) you would like to work on.
Any known medical issues
All information given is strictly confidential. We will arrange a mutually agreeable time.
If you require an email session, I will email you the results after payment has been made and the session has been completed.
For further information about The Emotion Code, or to book a session, please see the Emotion Code section of the website. Janet is a fully certified Emotion Code Practitioner.
This session will include communication with your pet and healing where necessary, or as requested. I use The Emotion Code and/or The Body Code, other modalities are also at my fingertips. Please email me for further questions or details. I would require the following information on booking a session:
Full name & location, phone number
Email address
Date of birth/age
Type of animal
A photo if possible
Any known medical issues and a brief history if possible
The issue(s) you would like to work on.
Skype id, if applicable (I can also do a remote session via email once I have all the information and we agree a day and time.)
Animal sessions are usually done at a distance, although if you prefer a Skype or Zoon call, this can also be arranged.
All information given is strictly confidential. We will arrange a mutually agreeable time.
If you require an email session, I will email you the results after payment has been made and the session has been completed.
For further information about The Emotion Code, or to book a session, please see the Emotion Code section of the website. Janet is a fully certified Emotion Code Practitioner.
The Emotion Code - one session Gift Voucher
Emotion Code Session Gift Voucher.
This listing permits the client or family member or friend to purchase a session as a gift.
The session can take place online via Skype or zoom, or in person provided local lockdown regulations are not in operation. I will send a Gift Voucher and the details provided for a session on purchase of this product
An Emotion Code session can last up to an hour and a quarter.
For further information about The Emotion Code, or to book a session, please see the Emotion Code section of the website. Janet is a fully certified Emotion Code Practitioner.